MInTFM Happenings

Stay tuned for latest news & updates on MInTFM activities here.

MInTFM C2023 Physical Scheme Induction blog image

MInTFM C2023 Physical Scheme Induction

This session was conducted online on 12 July 2023. Central, Northern, Southern, and Sarawak held this physically in their own schemes run by each Scheme Directing Team........

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MInTFM Meeting with Hospital Cyberjaya – Central Scheme blog image

MInTFM Meeting with Hospital Cyberjaya – Central Scheme

It took place on 6 July 2023 physically in Hospital Cyberjaya. Attended by Dr. Nazrila, Dr. Idawaty, Dr. Rohayah, Dr. Vikneswari, and Hospital Cyberjaya Directors and........

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MInTFM C2023 Online National Induction blog image

MInTFM C2023 Online National Induction

It took place on 4 July 2023, virtually. It involved all 86 new trainees, the Scheme Directing Team, the National Clinical Director, the Deputy of the National Clinical........

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MInTFM Breastfeeding for Family Physicians blog image

MInTFM Breastfeeding for Family Physicians

An online session on Breastfeeding for Family Physicians was conducted on 31 May 2023. 0/5 (0........

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Hari Raya Celebration blog image

Hari Raya Celebration

On 31 May 2023, C2021’s Central Scheme organised a Hari Raya celebration at the Empire Subang Office. 0/5 (0........

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E-Module 4: Adolescent Health blog image

E-Module 4: Adolescent Health

On 24 May 2023, e-module sessions on Adolescent Health were held. Y1-Y4 Trainees completed the first module via Canvas before proceeding with the Masterclass by Dr. Anna........

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Competency Committee blog image

Competency Committee

On 24 May 2023, a Competency Committee was held online for the Central and Northern schemes’ Scheme Directing Team to go through the trainees’ EPA Summary.........

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Physical Day Release – Southern Scheme blog image

Physical Day Release – Southern Scheme

A face-to-face Day Release took place at HIVE (Southern Office) on 17 May 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Everyone had a pleasant time getting to know one another.........

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